Sonntag, 7. August 2011

Joe's Berlin 2011 - A walk from somewhere to somewhere to somewhere...

Everywhere in Berlin. Fire water supply.

Humboldt Senior and Humboldt Junior.

GDR souvenirs.

"Original Berlin!"

No more currywurst.

Muckel loves Raupi.

I want this car for Christmas!

Junk thrift shop.

Chanel mannequin retired.

Next time... I didn't want to disturb his meditation.

Lustgarten. / Pleasure garden.

Den Opfern von Krieg und Gewaltherrschaft. / For the victims of war and violence.

Too sunny. New hat.

From Berlin to LA? Next time... :-)

15 Kommentare:

  1. Hey, what's my Bugatti sportscar doing in Berlin? :-))

    Love your Berlin pics. It's good to know I can buy my babuschkas and hand cuffs at the same stand! The lust garden sounds fun. And I'm guessing you're not missing your currywurst these days.

    Do let me know if you ever take the train to L.A. . . .

    (The red and green padlocks are so cute!)

  2. Love the Berlin pics. It seems that Berlin and St Petersburg have a monopoly on old Soviet era merchandise and boboushka dolls

  3. Amazing photos, beautiful Berlin, I lake it!

    Have a nice week dear, kisses:)

  4. I am just happy seeing your Berlin pics and smiling reading Rick's lovely comment. Love you guys :-)

    Have a great week ahead :-)


  5. lovely pictures, especially the portrait with hat!kisses.

  6. Hi Joe, beautiful pictures. They are so inspiring and make me want to experience Berlin even more. My favorite is the War Memorial. Too many have suffered and died. I would have a coffee and sit to get to know you. You are such an interest and wonderful artist! I would have an espresso latte with mocha. That's my favorite. Wishing you well from America.

  7. I am loving this photo tour very much. You always make me miss Europe so much. And you live near Bremen which is one of my favorite places in the world next to Lahr. But that is me. I loves me my Bavaria.

    That hat is terrific. I hope you got a free bowl of soup when you got it. I love the yellow pants too. You have a cool funky style that personally I just can't get enough of.

  8. Hallo Joe,

    tut mir sehr Leid, dass ich dich so lange warten ließ. Über Google Friend Connect habe ich Dir bezüglich meines Projektes eine Mail geschickt. Wundere Dich nicht über "Laurentius", denn das ist kein Spam, sondern das bin ich.

    LG - portraits_2null

  9. Rick's comment summed it up for me. The pics were most curious and I love the hat too. It suits you to a hat.

  10. Great street shots. Beautiful photo work.

  11. Hallo Joe, ich liebe deine blog! Brachte mir Frieden! Ich gehe! Wenn Sie ein wenig freie Zeit haben, gibt es in meinem Blog! Ich mag, Sie dort begrüßen zu dürfen. Küsse Freund hier in Südbrasilien, Renata.
    Wow! Ihre Fotos in mir den Wunsch nach Berlin heute kennen!

  12. Magnifiques photos qui donnent envie de découvrir cette ville très ouverte à l'art contemporain.
    Merci pour ce reportage. Désolée de m'exprimer uniquement en français.

  13. ooh makes me want to go back to Berlin
