I'm very often asked, why I divide the chins, or the whole faces, in my paintings with a line.
It started about 20 years ago with the theory (created in my crazy teenage brain) that:
The best key to happyness is to be as schizophrenic as possible.
I live about 4 different lives that are not really compatible with each other.
I mean, for example my stage performances and my main job.
So, I'm somehow 4 different persons in one body and sometimes ask myself:
WHO the hell am I at this moment mainly? *lol*
People say that I'm strange, mysterious, crazy, too versatile... but never boring.
And I'm very happy with this.
I experienced a lot sh** in my life but there was always a person in me that was lucky while one of the others was hurt.
So, I was never completely down. :-)
Here are two pictures to show you the development.
The rest is silence.
Or... your interpretation.
1999 (LIZA)