I'm very often asked, why I divide the chins, or the whole faces, in my paintings with a line.
It started about 20 years ago with the theory (created in my crazy teenage brain) that:
The best key to happyness is to be as schizophrenic as possible.
I live about 4 different lives that are not really compatible with each other.
I mean, for example my stage performances and my main job.
So, I'm somehow 4 different persons in one body and sometimes ask myself:
WHO the hell am I at this moment mainly? *lol*
People say that I'm strange, mysterious, crazy, too versatile... but never boring.
And I'm very happy with this.
I experienced a lot sh** in my life but there was always a person in me that was lucky while one of the others was hurt.
So, I was never completely down. :-)
Here are two pictures to show you the development.
The rest is silence.
Or... your interpretation.
1999 (LIZA)
crazy like a fox maybe. your paintings are interesting.the line technique works well.
AntwortenLöschenthe explanation of it's origin holds. and
and a very good design sense. both works
i would hang. thanks for sharing.
That's very interesting, I like it as well. It can become the signature mark on your art, which only the real fans will understand!
AntwortenLöschenLove the pictures Joe! :-)
AntwortenLöschennice work j ))
AntwortenLöschenNow, I was always wondering why you did this, now I know!
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful work!
AntwortenLöschennice work, the chin needs no answers.....
its your decision as the artist
1991 is beautiful.
AntwortenLöschenThe chins work for me too.~Mary
Well, to which ever one of your personalities did this - YOU ARE FANTASTIC. Let the other 3 know and they can all give you a hug (-:
AntwortenLöschenOh Joe, I really like these . . your art style. I especially like the blue 1991.
AntwortenLöschenMore please . . .
I love the 1991 piece!! Awesome!
AntwortenLöschenway too beautiful Joe ..........and the way you said " THE REST IS SILENCE "
AntwortenLöschenI love it all......and i must say you must to this enlightened theory of yours...
may God always bless you
Witaj Asiu. Wiele lat goniłam szczęście, i kiedy już miałam w dłoni, ono się wymykało i uciekało jeszcze dalej. Uciekałam z miejsc w których byłam, mieszkałam codziennie i bez powodzenia. Zastanawiałam się: kim jestem i co mnie uszczęśliwi... i wiesz... chyba stało się coś, że jestem szczęśliwa. Zaakceptowałam siebie w sobie, nie ukrywam wad, pracuję nad zaletami, i nie pragnę. Nie wiem, może to klucz do szczęścia - nie mieć pragnień. Biorę wszystko tak, jakie jest. Oczywiście, że nadal dziwię się i oburza mnie ludzka nienawiść i głupota. Ale ja sama nic nie mogę zmienić.
AntwortenLöschenMyślę o Tobie i mocno Cię ściskam. Pewnie toniecie w śniegu. U nas zimno, ale śnieg położył się cieniutką warstewką. Pewnie za chwilę się to zmieni.
love the first piece from 91. Colours and composition are gorgeous.
AntwortenLöschenI totally relate to what you mean, I think all artists are a bit here, there and everywhere!
Inspiration is found in so many ways of being and doing the same thing day in and day out would be missing the whole varied and diverse point of life!
at last - the mystery is solved... the chin line will go down in art history as your trademark... your calling card - Jo was here... and as for the company you keep - the colorful personalities I think we all have them - at least most creative, artistic people - "Dash" is one of mine... but like you, I suspect, I have many voices in my head... I love your art!
AntwortenLöschenI love all four of you.
AntwortenLöschenX David
Hey Joe,
AntwortenLöschendas Bild gefällt mir wirklich gut, leider ist der Begriff "schizophren" etwas übertrieben, vielfältig oder abwechslungsreich würde es doch eher treffen oder nicht? Gruß aus HH
Liza jest cudowna:)
AntwortenLöschenI wiesz co, uwielbiam twój charakterystyczny styl:)
Having many lifes sounds cool! I really like your paintings and blog!
Liza jest super:) awesome job!
AntwortenLöschenI admire your obvious and clearly awesome talent!
AntwortenLöschenKeep it up girl!
I LOVE the line down the middle of faces in your art- its what makes your art different from others!
Yael Adas FOTOgraphy
great art your very talented!
AntwortenLöschenI can feel for that schizophrenic/chin-line theory. Living a little schizophrenic matrix my self. :-D
AntwortenLöschenIn dutch; "Een schizofreen is nooit alleen"
Happy Holidays.
I absolutely love your blog, and your artwork! So unique and interesting!!!