I'm a carnivore.
I SWEAR, I tried to change it!
Without success...
It's a very long time ago but I was vegetarian for about 7 years.
I lost my hair (and had to cut the rest of it),
I was ill 25 times a year,
I had no muscles,
I was extremely underweight,
I got anemia and my doctor told me that he's sorry to say but being vegetarian isn't good for some people.
And I seem to be one of these.
When I posted this months ago I disappointed and hurt some vegetarians, vegans, animal welfarists...
I'm DEEPLY SORRY for this.
I love vegetarians, I have a huge PETA-poster above my sleeper and my heart wants to be vegetarian but my body fails.
It took me many weeks to find a proper way to say sorry for my misbehavior and heartlessness.
Finally, here is my excuse...
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I am a vegetarian, but in the past there were a few years I ate meat..and liked it...and I HATE vegetarians who try to make non-vegs feel guilty.
it's not difficult at all to get all the vitamins and minerals and nutritution you need either as a vegetarian and even as a vegan living person. you don't have to feel sorry for eating meet, but if you just think your body needs meat, that's totaly wrong. no "body" needs meat. human stummaches are made for vegetarian food, not for eating meat. and eating vegetarian is really the easiest thing to do, even healthy. (vegan might be a bit more ticky, but you can manage it healthy too). the world won't change due what you got in your refridgerator, so it doesn't make anything difference to the animals if you actually eat them, or drink just their milk or be just another part of capitalistic society as you are, but really, no hair will fall off from not eating meat. humans are not carnivores at all. when you had an eating disorter, it's not funny at all, but don't blame it on the fact of beeing vegetarian, that's kind of easy getting away with the right answer.
AntwortenLöschenbe strong my dear... <3
AntwortenLöschenOH my .. a picture of some chicken and you are left feeling bad by people who don't eat meat. My dear .. you can post pictures of chicken, steak, eggs or fish and I won't mind. If you dare put some asparagus up - that's it .. I'm leaving (-:
AntwortenLöschenDon't fweel guilty to be omnivorous, we have four canine teeth in our mouth among 32 teeth. This means that we are endowed by nature to eat meat.....4 among 32 this means that 1/8 of our feed has to be meat, and then 7/8 vegetables.
AntwortenLöschenI am a carnivore as well. Unfortunately vegetarianism does not suit me like you, as I went through a similiar experience.
AntwortenLöschenIch wundere mich grad auch, warum manche sich durch ein BILD von Chicken verletzt fühlen? Aber naja.
AntwortenLöschenIch bin auch Vegetarierin seit ca. 6 Jahren und find es cool! Mir fehlt nichts, aber ich ernähre mich auch sehr vielseitig...
Aber wenn du mit Fleisch essen gut zurecht kommst - warum nicht? (auch wenn ich nicht glauben kann, dass deine gesundheitlichen Probleme vom Fleischverzicht kamen...)
Und deine - bildliche - Entschuldigung ist echt soo süß! :-D
And I love tofu!!!
AntwortenLöschenNice weekend.
After I watched 'babe' the movie i was a vegetarian for a week :).....But caved in when me mum served us the Sunday dinner tradition... ‘meat’ pie :0 xxxx
AntwortenLöschenAs long as you don't become a humanitarian, it's okay.
AntwortenLöschenIf you want to be a healthy vegetarian then you have to do proper food combining (aka, beans with rice to get a complete amino acid profile, etc.) Many vegetarians eat tofu, and processed foods that are high in sugar which wipes out your adrenals and decreases your ability to absorb B12 thus facilitating pernicious anemia as well as the regular iron deficiency kind of anemia. In order to be a healthy person, vegetarian or not, you have to make friends with living, whole foods, as unprocessed as possible. I was once an unhealthy vegetarian (with many of the symptoms you described) and I learned how to eat properly and now I feel awesome.
AntwortenLöschenThe first thing I was thinking about when I saw the picture was " how the hell did they put It up there? o.O"
AntwortenLöschenJOE, i love your words "vegetarians, vegans, animal welfarists" ... :-)))
AntwortenLöschentake care buddy.....eat good and stay good ..cheers
I was vegan for three years, then incorporated more dairy, eggs and fish into my diet when I was pregnant with my daughter. My whole family is pescatarian now.
AntwortenLöschenI don't think I could go back to beef. I'm sorry your experience was so awful.
"How hard it is for women to keepe counsell."
AntwortenLöschenbe strong :) like you, I would not be able to survive on vegetables alone .. I need beef .. Where's the beef??
AntwortenLöschenI am also a carnivore. Don't let people make you feel bad about it!
AntwortenLöschenThis is an excellent passage about a tough choice. Take care.
AntwortenLöschenDon´t feel guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AntwortenLöschenThe pic "Tofu" you have shot, that´s in Bremen!?!
Best Regards,
Das ist schade und ich verstehe Dich. Doch glaube ich nicht, dass allein der Verzicht auf Fleisch Dich krank gemacht hat.
AntwortenLöschenIch bin Vegetarierin und muss aufpassen, dass ich genügend Vitamin C zu mir nehme, da ich nicht gerne Obst esse. Ich überliste mich mit ausgepressten Graipefruits. Alles was süß oder sauer schmeckt mag ich nicht.
Bei ausgewogener vegetarischer Mischkost wird man eigentlich nicht krank. Leider aber sind auch Vegetarier nicht immun gegen Krankheiten. Und auch bei Vegetariern gibt es Über- oder Untergewicht, wenn sie zu viel oder zu wenig essen.
Wie gesagt, ich finde es schade, doch ein schlechtes Gewissen musst Du deswegen nicht haben. Mein Kater frißt auch Fleisch und den werde ich weiß Gott nicht auf Pflanzenkost umstellen.
Liebe Grüße
"Tofu" sign absolves you of all. Mówisz po polsku? :-)
AntwortenLöschenYour abilities with the Nikon D-90 have improved greatly. Love your photographs and hope to see more. Great capture.
AntwortenLöschenStop beating yourself up, you are one of the nicest people I know.
AntwortenLöschenThe world is a better place because you are in it. Come over and eat meat at my place for dinner sometime.
X David
I love your blog a lot! Thank you for following mine, it is a compliment I see now. I don't think you should feel too guilty about posting the chicken legs, sometimes meat lovers need to revel a bit too.
AntwortenLöschenSorry you couldn't get to be a good vegetarian. But you must give what your body needs. Finally U can say that you tried it. Thanx for visiting my blog.
AntwortenLöschenRegards from Barcelona.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
How did someone ever get up there to paint TOFU on that wall?
AntwortenLöschenWhat a feat.
Tofu sucks :D http://uwsatire.livejournal.com/
AntwortenLöschenlove the last photo! greetings from Barcelona.